WYNNM / Silverteeth.
Collaborative artwork for Wynnm’s album.

Wynnm had this to say about the process:“Album artwork is one of the places where shotgun decisions operate the most, for me. I had just come back to an Amsterdam Winter after spending a little over a month in New York, touring and visiting my sister and emptying my wallet. I returned unemployed and was living in my dear friend’s apartment while she was away. The mystical sprites of chaos-timelines were gaily pulling some celestial strings and lo and behold, I got hit by a car on my bike. Like one of those fruits that rolls and drops onto the floor in the grocery store, I spent some weeks rehabilitating and collecting a cosmically timed insurance check, and that’s when I took this self-portrait. My putrid hot-pink nail from Queens on display, this pure moment, ahh, there it was: the shotgun idea.
I reached out to James Nelson, a graphic designer who had been a regular at the café where I had been a barista for the previous year. We chatted profusely about a collaboration each time I poured and passed him (and his dog Toast) oat flat whites, and after many apologies for lacking inspiration, I took my bruised legs to see him in his office where the concept for these “puzzle-piece” single artworks from the self-portrait were born. I remember we talked about head injuries, chasing dreams and pace. Then this whimsical thing happened, James had a process that visually bridged the analog and digital worlds, something my music loves to do, and he dragged my face, putrid hot-pink nail and all, down a scanner and through A.I. — melting the image and satisfying my deep, profound, unending love for complicating things.
Melting, fragmenting — that’s what this album “silverteeth” is about. Thank you for your stead-fastness, James. So grateful you’re with me on this journey of “getting out there”. Yeehaw.”
Listen to the album:—

Self-portrait: Wynnm MurphyImage-manipulation/design: James Nelson
Animation uses A.I.